Buckingham Strategic Partners proudly serves and supports independent wealth management firms and financial advisors in their work of helping clients and their families meet their most important life and financial goals. It’s our highest calling. That’s why Buckingham Strategic Partners delivers academically rooted and evidence-based investment solutions, because we believe this approach gives you the best odds of achieving financial peace of mind. We provide holistic financial planning tools, because we believe true wealth management should be comprehensive. We’ve developed a long bench of thought leaders and specialists, because we believe in breadth plus depth. By partnering with Buckingham Strategic Partners, members of this nationwide community bring its collective wisdom and resources to bear on designing, building and protecting each client’s financial plan.

Buckingham, like ICP, believes investment portfolios should be built on the idea that making investment decisions based on decades of peer-reviewed research is better than relying on the latest "hot tip" from media pundits. The empirical evidence is reviewed and taken to heart, putting the science of investing to work on behalf of clients.

Key ways Buckingham supports Integrated Capital Planning:
- Investment management best practices and implementation (Evidence-Driven Investing™)

- Advanced planning support for complex client situations

- Educational information for ICP's advisors and their clients

 Learn more about what BSP offers to independent RIA's like Integrated Capital Planning here.